

What Is A Pocket Spring Mattress

What Is A Pocket Spring Mattress

  • 2020/06/19

what is a pocket spring mattress?

We all know the importance of a good night’s sleep, and achieving your perfect night’s sleep should begin with a good quality mattress. You need to take the time to make sure the mattress is right for you, but with so many different mattress types on the market, knowing where to start can be overwhelming. One of the first questions you may find yourself asking is, what is a pocket spring mattress?

A pocket spring mattress contains individual springs which are sewn into their own pocket of fabric. A pocket spring mattress will typically have a higher spring count than other types of mattresses and these individual springs work completely independently from one another. This ensures the springs support you where you need it the most

Open coil mattress vs pocket spring mattress

Open coil mattresses are typically mass produced and at the budget-end of the mattress market. The springs within an open coil mattress are linked together by one piece of wire, meaning that the springs are not able to move independently from one another, unlike a pocket spring mattress. The open coil springs move as one unit, so moving around in the night is likely to disturb your partner.

By contrast, the springs in a pocket spring mattress work completely independently from one another. This allows you to re-position yourself on your mattress without causing disturbance to your partner beside you.

Memory foam mattress vs pocket spring mattress

A memory foam mattress is an alternative to a pocket spring mattress, whereby the heat of your body softens the memory foam, allowing your body shape to mould the mattress. This may provide your body with support but memory foam retains its heat and doesn’t allow your body to breathe. Memory foam often causes you to get hot whilst you sleep, especially in the warmer months, leading to a restless night’s sleep.

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